Is all content original?
Yes. All content provided by us is written for you and completely original. We also use CopyScape to check that our content is free from plagiarism.
Is the content SEO-friendly?
Yes. All our content is optimized to perform well in search engines.
What type of content do write, and what not?
We mostly write content for online, or digital, usage. Examples are blog posts, articles, eBooks, courses, and website pages. We do not write social media content. We write content for almost all industries.
What about pricing?
The price for our content is word based and varies from USD 0.08 to USD 0.20 per word depending on the order type and quantity. All payments are upfront and are through PayPal.
What are the turnaround times?
Turnaround times vary depending on the size of the order. For orders below 10,000 words, it is generally 7 business days.
In what format do I receive my content?
We can deliver in different formats. In general Google Docs or Microsoft Word is used. If you have special requirements, you can ask us.
We hope these answers to common questions helps you decide in using our services for your content needs.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any more questions!